21 June 2008

June Madness

Yikes -- I have thousands of photo to share and tens of stories to tell, but just can't seem to get to the time on the 'puter for the last few weeks.

First we went to uncle Jon Paul's high school graduation in eastern Washington (8 car-driving hours away). Then aunt Jill, visiting from Alaska came back to Vancouver with us for a few weeks. At the same time, nana Noma went to California with her sister for a vacation. Currently we have friends and fellow bloggers Astrid & Matt and Kim & Jamie staying with us for the week. Then next week grandpa Earl & grandma Linda will be here for a visit, too.

In between all this we've continued with Jordan's therapies, and a few extra doctors appointments here and there. On Tuesday Jordan had some diagnostic testing done that included 1.5 hours of poking ("fishing" in 11 different vein sites) to try to start an IV for sedation for a lumbar puncture (ouch!). It was devastating. Once they finally had her sedated and the LP done, they went for blood samples in her jugular vein, 3 times, and she was dry as a bone -- so we didn't even get to complete all the testing we needed. Then, after that I had to send samples to France & Canada for analysis, as the hospital isn't allowed to send internationally. This was no small or cheap feat. I was so wiped out by the events of that day I ended up in bed at 6:00pm. No Fun!

I guess I'll just have to delete all 503 e-mails sitting in my inbox & start downloading pics from my camera -- perhaps in July when all the company is gone. There's too much to do right now to spend too much time at the 'puter.

1 comment:

Sophie's Story by Elaine said...

OUCH!!! That is a lot of poking. Glad to read that you have been busy with some "fun" or should I say "nonmedical" stuff...I don't know if I would say driving in a car for that long would be fun ;) Either way, I was worried about you guys so I am glad to read that all is...well, "normal".