01 January 2009

Post No. 700: Birkeley Comes Home

It's hard to believe it's Thursday already, and we've been home since Monday afternoon! In that time we've been adjusting to Birkeley as the newest family member, celebrated Jordan's 3rd birthday, our 8th anniversary, New Year's Eve, and even made a 3-kid trip to the pediatrician for Avery's 5-year check-up, Jordan's 3-year check-up, and Birke's first weight check & second bilirubin test.

As you can see, Birkeley is a little bit jaundiced, and has to go back for another bilirubin test & weight test tomorrow. He did well with his first weight check: He gained 3.5 ounces back from his take-home weight of 6 pounds 14 ounces, which was 8 ounces less than his his birth weight on Saturday (7 pounds 6 ounces). Technically he needs to gain back to his birth weight in 2 weeks, so as of yesterday he was almost half-way there. But, he also slowed down his eating a bit over the last few days. Sometimes jaundice makes babies a bit lethargic, then they don't eat as well, which makes the jaundice worse. It's a vicious cycle I'm hoping to prevent. . . .

All packed up and ready to head home
First he got snuggles with Jordan. She's a good snuggler, because she doesn't wiggle and flail around.
We even convinced Avery to join in the picture
Sleep, sleep, sleep. . .
Traditions. This is the same bassinett that Avery & Jordan slept in, not to mention Avery's best friend Kate, too.
Daddy is a pro at "baby burrito" -- sometimes I wake him up in desperation to get him to wrap Birke up after a night feeding. It puts him right to sleep! (Thanks for the hat, Kim).
Oh, yes, the bouncy chair. Who doesn't love the bouncy chair? Avery & Jordan sure did!
If we can get him calmed down we can get him to suck his own fingers.
Snuggles with Devon & Avery. Avery is even starting to hold him on her own, and walk with him a little bit, as long as Devon or I am near
Snooze time ( he really doesn't look that orange without the flash from the camera, I swear!)

1 comment:

Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

What a nice happy family! Looks like you are getting lots of sun to get rid of the jaundice. Those sleepy newborns..how sweet. Love all the photos. He looks like his mom! xox Jul