Join Devon and me (Leslie) on the journey through life with Avery, Jordan, & Birkeley from Vancouver, Washington, a suburb of Portland, Oregon -- the Rose City.
Each year Avery & Jordan's dental office (Adventure Dental) has a Santa party. Besides a chance to sit with Santa & Mrs. Claus, there are activities for the kids, and even cookies & milk for the kids (but they have to brush their teeth when they get home, right!).
Jordan gets a snuggle from the Clauses
Avery managed a smile too, and asked for Moon Sand & a pogo stick (she's been hooked on those 2 items for weeks now, and I don't know where she heard of either of them).
BFF Kate joined the festivities, too
After sitting on Santa's lap Avery went back to her recent "hipster" look. She never used to like wearing a hat, now she tells me she likes to wear hats "like boys" -- I guess she must have picked that up at pre-school. Note the High School Musical bling, too! Writing letters to Santa -- Moon Sand & pogo sticks were on both Avery's & Kate's lists
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