11 October 2008

A Big Weekend In Hope

Grandma Linda celebrated her 60th birthday last weekend. Her brothers Larry & Neil joined the festivities with a trip out west from Ontario (and stayed for over a week to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend, too). Grandpa Earl's sister Maureen & her friend Jeff were also on hand from Ontario, and Devon, Avery, Jordan & I were also able to make the trip. Grandma Linda also spent a good deal of time on phone with friends & family calling with wishes, and more than a few neighbors in Hope stopped by to wish her a Happy Birthday as well.

Devon presents grandma Linda with a yummy birthday cake.
Opening gifts, Avery was right there to help while uncle Neil looks on
Aunt Maureen & Jeff
Jordan & me -- Jordan was still hanging in there like a trooper with her cold at this point
Uncle Neil, grandpa Earl, uncle Larry, and grandma Linda
Neil, Devon, Earl, Larry, Linda, & Avery
Then something strange happened -- Avery got an early birthday present from grandpa Earl & grandma Linda -- her own ice skates!! (her birthday isn't until 22 December, but this way she'll get extra use out of them this fall & winter)Now, to try them out -- at the Hope Arena
Funny how she forgot about "skating" once she got a hockey stick in her hand -- she couldn't resist after seeing all the other kids playing hockey during open skate time
Now for the live action videos, again

Unfortunately, Jordan's cold took a turn for the worse on Sunday night/Monday morning, so we left earlier than we planned. Grandpa Earl was going to take Avery skating again on Monday, but he didn't get the chance as we headed for home, and eventually ended up at the hospital that day.


Julie, Jeff, Jack, WIll and Jasper said...

That is what I am talking about! The ladies playing hockey. I bet there is a good women's hockey league in Portland. Maybe one day you will have time!!!

Astrid said...

Devon let you go skating? Stephen won't let me - too afraid I'll fall ... and I even have toe picks!