The worst part is that they don't even have lumpy, old, saggy cots for the parents to sleep in -- just a reclining chair that doesn't recline all the way.
Well, actually, the worst part is having a kid that needs to be in the PICU for any reason, but thank goodness the PICU exists when you need it -- and Jordan needed it today!
All in all, despite the freaky scare this morning, things have been pretty mellow and improving all day. As of 10:00pm her pH was 7.33 (normal is 7.35-7.45), and her CO2 was 63. Her pediatrician, who happened to be the hospitalist today (total fluke), said that she would expect Jordan's CO2 to be in the 50s or 60s normally, even though a non-neurologically impaired person would be 35-45.
So, she's pretty much back to normal. However, they're going to leave her on the BiPAP machine for the night, start her feeds back slowly, and do a chest xray at 5:00am to check for aspiration pneumonia, as she did have a mouthful of food pooled up in the back of her throat when her little crisis transpired this morning. Who knows where that food went -- lungs are definitely a possibility.
Unfortunately, Avery had a hard day, too. She was prepared for me to be gone one day and one night, but when things changed she wasn't too excited about mommy not coming home or spending the night at home tonight. Luckily we were able to spend the afternoon and evening together, I even took her home and tucked her into bed -- but of course she didn't fall asleep & was upset when I came back down to the hospital. So, we made a deal -- Devon & I are switching, so Avery & I can get up and have breakfast together. She's very caring with her sister Jordan, but at the end of the day, she's 4 and still very much the center of her universe.
Avery & I got to play for quite awhile at the various play areas at the hospital this afternoon. Then we had dinner & ice cream together -- mommy & daughter only!

I just hope there is some chocolate milk left after Devon spends the night here tonight. . . .
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